
Friday, August 20, 2010

The Gregson Butterfly Garden ~ McArthur Island ~ Kamloops, BC, Canada

We recently visited the Gregson Butterfly Garden in McArthur Park and found it to be bright with color after a short summer rain. There are benches set among the flower beds that you can sit and enjoy the sights from as you relax among the butterflies.

The Gregson Butterfly Garden
This sign leads you to the pathway that meanders through the Butterfly Garden. With August here we are seeing more of the autumn colors coming into full bloom and many show their sunshine yellow.

Flowers of Butterfly Garden
There is a large variety of flowers in this Butterfly Garden, all of which are known to attract the butterflies with their color and aroma.  Our visit did follow a shower so we didn't see any butterflies.  Butterflies hide when it rains. They usually go to the same places they do for the night. Some butterflies hide under large leaves, some crawl down into dense leaves or under rocks, and some just sit head down on grass stems or bushes with wings held tightly.

Rainbow after the showers
This rainbow was the making a complete arch over McArthur Island and made a nice frame for the flowers in Butterfly Garden.

The Duck family

The Gregson Butterfly Garden is part of the McArthur Island Lagoon Enhancement Project. The lagoon is home to many ducks and other water families that you might see swimming and enjoying their country home in the city.

Lagoon of McArthur Island
If you could see between the branches of these large trees that line the lagoon, you may even see the visiting Great Blue Heron we spotted on this visit. He must have been looking for the flock that was at Tranquille Wildlide Management Area, clik here to see more.

Dedication Plaque to Mr. Jack Gregson
The Butterfly Garden is a reality due to the visions of Jack and Barbara Gregson and we and the butterflies can thank them every time we drive by or visit this small but beautiful garden.  Take time to enjoy this garden on your next visit to McArthur Island.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely place Sheila.What a gem of a garden.
