
Saturday, August 27, 2011

A&W ~ Cruisin' For A Cure ~ Multiple Sclerosis ~ Canada

This A and W sign is one that everyone will recognize instantly, but the message on the sign today is different.  The A and W is holding the second national annual MS fundraiser.

Classic A&W sign with a great message
Canadians have one of the highest rates of MS in the world.  The numbers are as high as 75,000 Canadians that have multiple sclerosis so there are many people that will benefit from a cure for MS.  The A and W is doing their share of bringing attention to this disease and raising funds so that hopefully one day soon we will learn that there is a cure for MS. 

Ron with staff in Kamloops work hard for MS
The Cruisin' For a Cause Day is a fundraiser for Multiple Sclerosis all across Canada and Ron and his staff are working hard to promote this special day for a very worthy cause.  The walls inside the A and W are covered with dedications from those who have contributed to the cause over the past while. 

MS supporters visit A&W in Kamloops, BC
The fundraiser began in Saskatchewan in 2009 then became a national event in 2010. Now the whole country can benefit from the contributions made by A+W and their loyal patrons. $1 from every Teenburger sold across Canada today is given to the MS Society in their neighborhood plus the other funds raised by their extra efforts at the A and W.

Classic cars visit the A&W in Kamloops to support the MS fundraiser
The A and W has been a longtime favorite place for the local Classic car club to gather and share stories and display their cars.  Some things should never change so it is great to see the old cars become part of this annual fundraiser.  Funds raised from Classic car shows are also contributed to MS society.

Classic cars and trucks visit the annual MS Cruisin' For a Cause at A&W in Kamloops, BC
MS is not an easy disease to detect.  It is an inflammatory disease of the brain and spinal cord, which is the Central Nervous System (CNS).  Patches of damage appear, called lesions that will interfere with the transmission of communication signals.

Classic cars of Kamloops support the MS fundraiser at A&W
There are four main types of Multiple Sclerosis, which can explain some of the differences of those suffering from this disease.  Some types may affect women more than men, some show no favorites, some are early onset while other types will not show the symptoms until one reaches their forties.

A '56 Fargo and a blue Chevy are Cruisin' For a Cause
MS symptoms vary with different people in their severity, location and their timing.  There are many symptoms but rarely would anyone have them all.  Most people will lead an active life in spite of having MS as some may only have mild symptoms, most will eventually use canes but only some will end up using a wheelchair.

Classic cars and more at the annual A&W MS fundraiser in Kamloops, BC
Canadians have one of the highest rates of MS in the world.  The numbers are as high as 75,000 Canadians that have multiple sclerosis so there are many people that will benefit from a cure for MS.  The A and W is doing their share of bringing attention to this disease and raising funds so that hopefully one day soon we will learn that there is a cure for MS. 

A&W on Fortune Drive in Kamloops, BC
There are over 730 A and W in Canada and they raised over $700,000.00 last year and hope to beat that total and gather over $1 milliion this year.

Thank you to the A and W 's all across Canada and especially the ones here at home in Kamloops, which means the most to us.

August 23, 2012 saw two of our local A and W's in Kamloops place as first and second highest fundraisers in all of B.C.  Congratulations to the efforts of the local outlets and the spirit of Kamloops giving.

This is just another reason why we love Kamloops !

Friday, August 19, 2011

Western Canada Summer Games 2011~ Kamloops, BC ~ Closing Ceremony

The Western Canada Summer Games brought excitement and fun to Kamloops, BC August 5, 2011 and left Aug.14, 2011 after a very successful and memorable ten days. The Tournament Capital of Canada made itself proud with all the volunteers that came out to help make these events the success that they were.

Western Canada Summer Games 2011 logo
The Western Canada Games was first held in Regina in 1975 and has been a big event one year ahead of the Olympics and using the same 23 summer sports in their events ever since. It began with only the provinces but in 1983 the Yukon and Northwest Territories joined and Nunavut has been a member since 2003 to complete the group representing Western Canada.

Kayakers on Shumway Lake, Kamloops, BC
The Western Canada Games 2011 included 19 sports in venues in and around the city. Shumway Lake was the venue used for the kayaking and canoeing sports. I didn't see the races but did see many of the athletes practicing on days previous to the medal races.

Ulukhaktok Drummers and Dancers perform at Riverside Park, Kamloops, BC
The Ulukhaktok Drummers and Dancers from the Northwest Territories performed in their heavy costumes and made mention that they were not used to the heat that we had that day, but they carried on with their show in spite of the heat. The spirit and enthusiasm shown especially by this dancer was great fun to watch. The group also performed at the closing ceremonies held inside in much cooler temperatures.

 TkKemlups Traditions made to order
There were arts, crafts and entertainment daily in Riverside Park beginning at 4pm and going until later evening with Music in the Park.  The crowds slowly gathered but enjoyed the sights and the great weather that cooperated with the Western Canada Summer Games.

Athletes enjoy the cool water of the South Thompson River at Riverside Park
Riverside Park in Kamloops, BC is a beautiful park with large trees and several enjoyable places to sit and enjoy lots of activities but the warm temperatures made the South Thompson River quite inviting after the teams worked hard on their events.  Many of these visiting teams are not used to the high summer temperatures that Kamloops was enjoying and the river down at Riverside Park was a welcome sight.

Athletes gather for the Closing Ceremonies at Riverside Park, Kamloops, BC
The Closing ceremonies were about to begin and the athletes gathered in Riverside Park before their entering the ceremonies held in Interior Savings Center. There were many empty seats in the bleachers but the enthusiasm given by the crowd that was there filled the room with lots of noise and applause for the athletes as they entered the arena. The sportsmanlike support given by each province and territory for the other athletes was great to see.

Closing Ceremonies for Western Canada Summer Games 2011
There were 2300 athletes with coaches and 3000 volunteers for the Western Canada Summer Games and the arena was filled with an excited crowd as the awards were announced and final speeches of praise given to them all. The lights were dim and didn't allow for getting good photos but the crowd was loud and the closing ceremony bid goodbye with a great feeling of a job well done by all.

Kamloops, BC did a wonderful job and can be proud of all that it has done to help make the Western Canada Summer Games 2011 the great success that it was. Kamloops has set the bar high for the Western Canada Summer Games to be held in 2015 at Wood Buffalo, Alberta.

Click here for more information and the medal results of the Western Canada Summer Games 2011.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Western Canada Summer Games 2011 ~ Kamloops, BC

The logo for the Western Canada Summer Games has been seen all over Kamloops, BC during the hosting of the Games from August 5 - 14th, 2011. The significance was explained in the Kamloops Daily News and worth sharing again.

"The half Maple Leaf represents the four participating Western Canadian provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Three festive swoops illustrate the Northern Lights and represent the three northern territories: the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

The dark blue ring is the friendly ring of competition that brings the three northern territories and four western provinces together in celebrating young athletes and a variety of cultures"

British Columbia won a total of 261 medals:
Gold - 130 ~ Silver - 68 ~ Bronze - 63

Alberta won a total of 232 medals:
Gold - 53 ~ Silver - 99 ~ Bronze - 80

Saskatchewan won a total of 133 medals:
Gold - 45 ~ Silver - 41 ~ Bronze - 47

Manitoba won a total of 115 medals:
Gold - 22 ~ Silver - 40 ~ Bronze - 53

Northwest Territories won a total of 3 medals:
Silver - 1 ~ Bronze - 2

Nunavut won a total of 2 medals:
Bronze - 2

Yukon's small group made a big effort

The logo for the gold, silver and bronze medal that was awarded for each winner was designed by a local graphic artist, Justin Wilkinson. The clasp at the top of the medal where the ribbon attaches, was designed to be the silhouette of Mt. Paul and Mt. Peter.  See more on the story by clicking here.