
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Queen's Jubilee Celebration ~ Kamloops Heritage Train ~ Kamloops, BC

The Kamloops Multicultural Society and the Kamloops Heritage Society hosted a day of celebrations in honor of the Queen’s Jubilee this summer.  It was a wonderful hot summer day and those that came to celebrate enjoyed the nostalgia of days gone by and the entertainment talents of today.
the poster has photos to show the Queen with different duties
Poster for the Queen's Jubilee Celebration
The Queen’s Jubilee is the time to celebrate 60 years since the coronation of Queen Elizabeth 11 took place and Kamloops, thanks to the work of many volunteers was doing just that.  There were several organizations involved who's volunteers worked to make this happen. 
The train was dressed to celebrate the Jubilee
Kamloops Heritage train dressed for the Queen's Jubilee
The Kamloops Heritage Railway train was all dressed up for the occasion and ready to take the guests on a royal ride.  The guests were being treated to a special treat today as an English hostess would be telling them about the Queen and her reign.

The actors were present as royalty.
The "Queen" addresses the audience

The 'royal' actors were present to offer a royal touch.  The ‘Queen’ for the day with her ‘guard’ was accompanied by some ‘princesses’ and welcomed everyone to the celebration doing a great job with an accent to make it even more authentic.
Tea is being served as the guests sit at the tables offered for the celebration.
Tea is being served at the Queen's Jubilee celebration in Kamloops, BC
 Tea was served, as would be only proper, for the Queen’s Jubilee celebration.  The volunteers from the Centre of Senior Information did a great job hostessing tea in china cups to the ladies dressed in hats and their escorts who enjoyed sitting in the sunshine sipping their tea and enjoying the entertainment of the day.
the collage shows the different entertainment that was at the celebration
Entertainment at the Queen's Jubilee celebration in Kamloops, BC
There were some energetic young people demonstrating their skills of martial arts in the courtyard in front of the old railway station.  This young man was jumping over three of his companions and kicking a board before he landed on his feet.  Then actors took to the stage and entertained those of us that were not on the train ride today and the pretty little dancers did a great job of dancing to three different numbers.
Val poses with a cup and her doll
Val enjoys a cup of tea at the Kamloops celebration of the Queen's Jubilee
Val is the photographer for the Kamloops Heritage Railway so was here doing some photography but she found time to relax with a cup of tea.  Val is wearing a costume of bygone days that was made by her sister Alanna, who has made many of the costumes worn by volunteers on the Heritage Train rides.  Val had also brought the doll from her childhood that was also dressed for the Queen’s Coronation, an outfit her mother had made for the doll at that time.
several booths lined the entrance to the Queen's Jubilee celebration
Booths of the Kamloops Multicultural Society
The Chinese Cultural Association had several large photographs on display to sell as well as displaying the lovely lanterns that were gifts from the Chinese consulate who had visited here recently.  Mr. Lyle Anderson hosted a booth with photos that showed the sixty year history of Queen Elizabeth’s reign and another booth offered posters, flags and pins to commemorate the celebration.
Mr & Mrs Dagert pose for a photo on their 65th wedding anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dagert
Mr.& Mrs. Dagert were here to celebrate their own 65th wedding anniversary at the Queen’s Jubilee and were enjoying a cup of tea as they watched the entertainment.  A very special day for them both and we wish them a very Happy Anniversary.
The Queen’s Jubilee, as with so many other celebrations, is all made possible due to the diligence and hard work of some very dedicated volunteers. The visitors and guests enjoyed the celebration and we thank you for making this a special day.

Be sure not to miss the last weekend of the 2012 Spirit of Kamloops train ride and enjoy the adventure and the special surprise that waits for you, check here for their schedule. Also read about their special events throughout the year. This is a great tourist attraction for those visiting Kamloops but it is also a great attraction for the locals, too.

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